Guidelines for contributors

  • Only unpublished articles reporting the results of original research undertaken over the past five years are considered for publication.

  • Research proposals are not accepted, in accordance with the editorial guidelines of the Revista Interamericana de Educación de Adultos.

  • Submissions are accepted in english, french, portuguese and spanish, which are published in their respective languages.

  • When submitting a paper to La Revista Interamericana de Educación de Adultos, the author agrees not to send the paper to any other publication, pending receipt of the publication decision.

  • The title of the article or essay is to be concise -no more than fifteen (15) words.

  • All articles and essays are to be accompanied by abstracts of 150-200 words in both spanish and english; when the original language is portuguese or french, three abstracts are required: one in the original language, accompanied by abstracts in both spanish and english.

  • After the abstract, authors are to provide a maximum of five Key Words (exclusive of title words) that represent the article's contents. To identify optimal Key Words for targeting terminology specific to youth and adult education, authors are encouraged to consult the controlled vocabulary IRESIE found on the web page IISUE-UNAM located at and / or the UNESCO Thesaurus located at

  • The text must be submitted in Word for Windows versions 2007 or 2010 in Times New Roman font 12-point type with 1.5 line spacing and numbered pages.

  • Articles and essays cited in the text are to be numbered and footnoted.

  • References are to be listed alphabetically by author after the text and must correspond to works cited in the text. Only literature cited in the text may be listed in the References.

Standards for footnotes and references required by the Revista Interamericana are as follows:

  • Books. Include the following information: Author (surname, first name initials or names), year (enclosed in parentheses), title, edition, where published, translator's name, place of publication (city and / or country), publisher and, where appropriate, series or collection (enclosed in parentheses). Example: Tedesco, J.C. (2009), Educar en la sociedad del conocimiento, 2nd ed., Buenos Aires Fondo de Cultura Económica (Collección Popular, 584).

  • Journal articles: Author (surname, first name) year of publication in enclosed parentheses marks), then Article title (in quotation marks), the word "in" is followed by the Journal's name (italicized), number (No.), volume (vol.), "page(s)" abbreviated (pp.), followed by first and last page of that article. Example: Kalman, J. (2003), "El accesso a la cultura escrita: la participación social y la apropiación de conocimientos en eventos cotidianos de lectura y escritura", in Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, no. 17, vol. 8, January-April, pp. 37-66.

  • Electronic sources: When references to books and journal articles are obtained from electronic sources, give the full name of the Web site, indicating the date on which the reference was requested. Example: Brian V. Street (2008), "New literacies, new times" in December 2008 / mirador/mirador_art2_ p1.html (accessed 12 November, 2009).

  • References cited in the text, and works with multiple authors and direct quotations, including electronic media sources, must conform to the rules of the Publications Style Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

  • Authors writing in English are urged to consult the Concise Rules of APA Style, Sixth Edition, published by the American Psychological Association, which is available at:

  • Note: The Concise Rules of APA Style is also published in Spanish in Mexico by El Manual Moderno: See Manual de publicaciones de la APA, Versión abreviada (Edición 2a), México, 2006, which is available at:

  • Each chart, graph, table, map, illustration, photograph, etc., is to be numbered with the each source identified. Each chart, graph, etc., is to be placed appropriately both in the main text and in separate files.

  • Submissions meeting these Contributor Guidelines are sent to two peer reviewers (referees) who, within a maximum period of 35 calendar days and under the "double blind" system, evaluate the submission for conformance to established criteria for scientific research; chiefly, for original contributions to the field of youth and adult education either / or other areas of education; specifically, the quality and coherence of the study's objectives, methodological rigor, and the level and soundness of the analysis and conclusions.

  • Upon publication of the article, CREFAL will send five (5) copies to each author.

  • Authors agree to use print and digital formats used by the CREFAL for the reproduction and dissemination of their work published in the Revista Interamericana.

  • One year after publication in La Revista Interamericana, the author may republish the article in other media provided that the article is accompanied by full citation of its publication in the Revista Interamericana.

Section Characteristics and Length

Papers are expected to fit into one of the following sections:

  • Viewpoint. In this section are presented articles with panoramic views that describe, analyze and interpret various new and emerging perspectives on educational activities for youth and adults. It includes such research projects as socio-educational diagnostics, exploratory studies, knowledge states, systematization of experiences, and evaluation of educational policies. Length: 15 to 25 pages of text (5,000 to 8,000 words maximum, including tables, charts, figures and references).

  • Explorations. In this space are displayed papers that synthesize original, rigorous research on the education of young people and adults. Articles are characterized by joint empirical and theoretical foundations of results that extend knowledge of issues investigated and contribute to the enrichment of both theory and practice in the field. Submissions are to include the following elements: rationale and development of the problem, target, analytical framework, methodology, conclusions and bibliography. This section can include one or two research studies addressing other educational topics. Length: 20 to 30 pages of text (from 6.600 to 9.500 words, including tables, charts, figures and references).

  • Counterpoint. This section introduces conceptual essays that provide: a) elements for the definition of new models to explain the general educational task, b) analysis to enrich and / or refute the assumptions, constructs and underlying rationale behind educational theories; c) critical points of view, reflections and defense of controversial arguments not only about the education of young people and adults, but about other controversial educational topics as well. Length: 15 to 25 pages of text (5,000 to 8,000 words maximum, including tables, charts, figures and references).

  • Grand Lecture Hall. This section focuses on the substance of an interview, conference or dialogue with a leading figure dealing with the education of youth and adults. Length: Five to 15 pages of text (maximum 5,000 words).

  • Transitions. This space is dedicated to descriptions of academic events and news of educational interest in the Latin American region and other countries with special emphasis on educatingyouthandadults. Length: Fourtosix pages of text (maximum 1,800 words).

  • Book Reviews. This section is devoted to description, analysis and criticism of the main ideas, contributions and debatable points of 'innovative' books and journal articles in the field of youth and adult education and of education in general. Reviewers are asked to submit with their review a high quality photograph of the book's cover in tiff or jpg format. Length: Four to six pages of text (maximum 1800 words).

  • Submission Procedure

    Papers are to be submitted with the following files:

    a) Cover Page with the following information:

    1. Title of the paper, article or essay.
    2. Full Name(s) of author(s).
    3. Nationality.
    4. Professional Grade(s).
    5. Area(s) of research or interest.
    6. Contact Information: Name and address of place of study or current position, including phone numbers, fax and email.
    7. Other telephone numbers: cellular or telephone where messages can be left.
    8. Date of submission

    b) Title Page with the following information:

    1. Title of paper, article or essay.
    2. Submission date
    3. Full text of paper, article or essay. Images, graphs, tables, figures, etc., in tiff or jpg formats, when applicable Summary of author's curriculum vitae, half-page maximum.

    c) Assignment letter of copyright for print or digital format


    Papers may be submitted with attachments to:
    Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. or directly to Margarita Mendieta, Editorial Coordinator, at: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. For more information please use the email addresses listed above for inquiries in English, or you may call in Spanish:

    Margarita Mendieta, Editorial Coordinator, at Mexico Country Code 52 (434) 342-8153. or Jaime Calderón López Velarde, Director, at Mexico Country Code 52 (434) 342-8152.